Taken during blue minute :). I thought I should take advantage of the great weather in Vancouver before more rain comes.
If you click the photo it will go to my flickr account and you'll see 2 more photos both created using a Nikon D80. First one is SOOC and the second is processed using HDR techniques using 1 single raw file. I must point out 2 things:
1. The photos on my flickr account were created many summers ago while the one above is during fall time.
2. The one above is handheld at 0.4 seconds while the others were on a tripod.
I had to process this photo because it was underexposed for my taste. I must say that I really love the 5-Axis IS of the E-M5. There were about 2-3 more photographers at Science World when I was there, all of them were using tripods and DSLRs. You can argue I might have been able to produce better results with a tripod but I intentionally went there without a tripod. 2 reasons, first because I want to push the E-M5 and see what I can produce in situations like the above without using a tripod and purely handholding shots. And 2nd, I know during this time of the year the blue in the sky doesn't last very long. I have limited time and I had several POVs in mind and they weren't close to each other. And as you can see there was a cloud cover so the view of the sky is limited, and it was really quick to become dark, as in really dark. I know that with a tripod in hand I will be taking longer exposures and I know that it will most likely produce some cool cloud movement in the photos but I'm totally happy with the photo above and plus a few others that I will be posting in the near future, stay tuned :). I hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!